Monday, July 27, 2009

Twin Lakes

On July 14th We started our trip, we drove to Bend Oregon and stayed at a hotel that was about 40 minutes away from the camping grounds. On the 15th we got to the camp grounds and really lucked out we were able to get two camp sites, on being the best camp site there. We were there from Wednesday to Saturday night. Kali had fun playing in the dirt and water, watching the chipmunks, and playing with the tents. She loved being with Her Aunties Kayla and Emily and Her uncles David and Blake ( we are still waiting for Blake to make it official but we already consider him family) and her cousin Lydia, and Papa and Grandma, Daddy was unable to make it due to work. But also there was My grandparents my aunt Traci and cousin Spencer and one of his friends , My uncle Wayne, and on Friday night my cousin Chad and Aunt Lorie came out.

There are three different slide shows, My camera, Kayla's Camera and Emily's camera so your going to get there different point of views.

Here are TONS of pictures, in no order.

This is a picture taken from our camp site, you can see that the lake was just right down a little hill. Kali loved trying to run down there without any one stopping her, it never worked.

Some family pictures

Cosuins! Me David and Kayla with our cosuins, Chad and Spencer.
Everyone minus Mitchell

Aunt Traci and Cousin Spencer

The Fishermen of the week

The Klavano Family

WE love our grandparents!!

Uncle Wayne

Swimming with uncle Blake, he was the only brave one to take her in.

posing with papa

Kayla in Blake took Kali out on the raft, She wanted to get in the water really bad so Blake jumped in with her.

Getting a pony ride from Aunt Traci

At the hotel in Bend

Little lobsters

hanging with great uncle Wayne

She feel asleep while we took a one mile walk around the lake, Papa carried the whole way!

Loving the water

Hotel in Boise

Playing with liddy